Penulis : Yurilla Endah Muliatie 1), Rena Febritasarie 2)
Cetakan : 2023
Tebal Buku : 83 Halaman
Penerbit : Kresna Bina Insan Prima
Editor : Hanan Titis Hidayat
Desain Isi : Muhammad Ainul Firdaus
Desain Sampul : Muhammad Ainul Firdaus
Nowadays, what is needed in social life and employment is English. Because English skills are needed along with the rapid advancement of technology.
This book presents procedures for introducing yourself and others at a first meeting, procedures for receiving and making phone calls in a business context, features of business letters, business fields and careers, job advertisements including selected jobs.
This book will also discuss Executive Reports and how to make Business Presentations so that readers understand how to make them as good and attractive as possible. Economic Activity and The Science of Economics where every part of a modern industrial organization must support the marketing department in improving quality for consumers. The concept of total business management in modern industrial systems is also part of this discussion.
In addition, it will also discuss the organization in the context of hierarchy, responsibility, position, affiliation and structure.